Carter turns 3 this month... and even though it's not for a couple weeks I have already started the "where has the time gone" moping routine that I do every time my kids have a birthday! I always struggle with them getting older and often wish I could freeze time! Here are a few little details about Carter:
* He has to put his pajamas back on everyday for his nap
* When he really means something he says "pinkie square" instead of pinkie swear!
* He has hot cereal almost every morning for breakfast and calls it "porridge"
* He calls his chocolate milk "troll food" - courtesy of his father!
* He is finally starting to be OK with McKay going to school - he has realized that he does come home & that while McKay is gone he has free reign to their room and McKay's things!
* He LOVES to draw.
* He LOVES to draw on things he is not supposed to...
* When he has to use the bathroom he runs outside instead of to the toilet.
* He is always going out in the garage and stealing golf balls out of James' bucket... it is starting to cause his father stress!
* His thanks is pronounced "nanx"
* When we get in the car he always asks for "his song" which is Kenny Rogers, The Gambler. He has it memorized word for word.
* I hear this several times a day "Mom, can I just have a peach, or an apple, some pretzels maybe... just somethin' "
* If he wants something he says "If I give you a kiss will you give me ... "
* He whispers in my ear quite frequently "Mom, you are da' best"!
* He has Nacho Libre memorized.
* I let him "drive" the car home from the bus stop - and he LOVES it!
* When you tell him No to something he almost always says "Oh Come On"! - Emphasizing each word!
* He admires McKay and loves to do anything he is doing.
* When he wrestles with his Dad or McKay he is a scrapper - you really better watch out!
* He is very stubborn!
* He is finally going to nursery without a complete melt down!
* He prays for Uncle Travis everyday.
* He has the funniest facial expressions! Sometimes I get so caught up in watching him when he is talking to me that I don't pay attention to what he is saying!
* He is absolutely fabulous and I can't imagine my life without him!
I reeeeeally miss this little guy(and the rest of you too!
xoxox Mom
He is so cute! I miss these days A LOT.
How sweet are all those special things about Carter. It is nice to have those things written down to remember. He already looks like he has grown up a bit. Take care!
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