Thursday, January 20, 2011

Homemade Yogurt

 My boys LOVE yogurt... I am not exaggerating in any way when I tell you that the boys go through about 6 yogurts a day! I buy 15 4-packs of yogurt every two weeks when I go grocery shopping! I spend about $50 a month on yogurt! It's a healthy snack & I am glad they like it. This is what my fridge is usually stocked with and there are more in our second fridge! But, I tried something new that started with this...
And ended with 4 quarts of homemade yogurt!

I count myself lucky to personally know the EXTREMELY talented Sherelle Christensen! And last week on her blog she posted a link for homemade yogurt & a recipe of her own for peanut butter granola! I seriously went to the store that night & got all the ingredients to make it. It's not that the cost of my yogurt budget was a burden - it's that I truly enjoy making things for my boys that they enjoy. And I was really excited to make this for them. You add a little peanut butter granola & homemade raspberry jam & it is simply Divine!

Here's the link for the recipe:


Rachel S. Smith said...

Wow! You are insane! Truth is I was raised eating homemade yogurt. My parents didn't like all the sugars and extras in store bought! There is definitely a difference! Homemade is the top of the line! Your friend has a great blog and I'm going to pass along her recipes! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I am a sucker for anything peanut butter!!! Going to have to try these for sure!!!!

Sherelle said... are so sweet! I am so glad your little yogurt lovers approve of the recipe! I am also glad to know that someone else likes to make homemade stuff for their kids just because.