Cannon is seriously obsessed with the stairs! If you put the little man down he goes straight for them - the problem being that they are too wide for a gate... So, We are constantly putting up obstacles to keep him from them! But, he is too smart and continues to get through them! Spiderman Loves to play in the snow too!
My Mother-in-law got this desk for the boys at the DI! They LOVE it - and I LOVE the cute little conversations that they have with each other as they draw.
Carter's first Sunday as a Sunbeam! He was so excited to wear his new church clothes! He seriously almost passed out when I put his tie on him - He was so proud to be just like Dad and McKay!
Someone..... has been a little grouch from teething....
We went to Temple Square with Jason & Kristin and their family.
McKay's teacher told the class that they needed to start doing things for themselves... Did doing his hair REALLY have to be one of them? James saw it first & came running down the stairs & informed me "No, matter what when McKay comes down the stairs you better not freak out!" He seriously had used a pound of hairspray, gel & wax!
James was running out the door to work and I asked him to give Cannon a couple Cheerios! I seriously laughed when I cam to find half the bag on his tray!
Look at this Turley Family.... cute as ever! I love your blog Erin I check it a few times a week and love seeing cute picture of Mckay, Carter, and Cannon! I miss you guys! Come visit soon or I will have to come see you! HAHA! : )
She Went Out On A Limb, Had It Break Off Behind Her, And Discovered She Could Fly.
Kobi Yamada
The Turley Boys
Carter * McKay * Cannon
"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
This is a good start I need more!!!!
Patience... I'm working on it!
Love the Cheerios - where are you guys living now, are you in Idaho Falls?
Love the post where you forgot your son...honey I way dying for you!!!
Look at this Turley Family.... cute as ever! I love your blog Erin I check it a few times a week and love seeing cute picture of Mckay, Carter, and Cannon! I miss you guys! Come visit soon or I will have to come see you! HAHA! : )
Megan Randall!
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