I decided the night before his Birthday that I wanted to make him a little Birthday shirt... Thank you to James who pretty much ran all over Logan looking for a plain what T shirt... Who knew they were so hard to find!
* You weigh exactly 20 pounds.
* You still take two naps - one at 9:00 a.m. and one at 1:00 p.m.
* No one can make you laugh harder than McKay!
* When you get frustrated you blow bubbles with your lips.
* you have 10 teeth - 8 in the front and two molars.
* You LOVE Pa (Grandpa Turley) when ever he walks into the room you immediately crawl over to him and pull on his pant legs. When he has to go and puts you down you usually cry!
* When I go in to get you out of the crib you always give me the biggest crooked smile - you criss cross your front teeth and squish up your face! It melts my heart!
* You mimic sounds that you hear - I make funny noises and you copy.
* When I sing to you at night as we rock you sing with me! When I stop you start to bounce to get me to keep going!
* When you are tired you will pull your blanket down onto the ground and lay on it - waiting for me to take you to bed!
* You LOVE your bath and think it's funny to put your face under water!
* You will NOT eat Spaghetti O's! You lock your mouth and turn your head - it's the only thing I have found that you won't eat! But, you LOVE to snack on black beans!
* When you are full from eating you turn your head and won't look at me!
* The Wall's all call you "Chub-lish"!
* You give good kisses!
* You never, ever, ever cry!
* You do not like to feel confined....
* You love to play with rope!
* When McKay goes to school you follow Carter where ever he goes!
* When I take you out of the high chair you kick your feet so hard I can barely hold onto you!
* When I put you down for a nap you have started to throw your pacifier at me as I walk out! You think it is a game & laugh when I bring it back to you!
On my children's Birthdays I let everything go... It is all about them. So, there isn't much that you can do with a 1-year-old to make it all about him - except to give him your time. So, I spent all day Friday on the floor - on his level! (It's amazing when you get down on their level how dirty the walls are.... But, I had to put cleaning them out of my mind... for the day anyway!). McKay & Carter joined in - it was fun to see them turn the TV off and leave the Wii alone for a day by their choice - to spend time with Cannon. I think we sang "Happy Birthday" to him at least 100 times! James always calls several times during the day on their Birthday's and we reminisce about what we were doing at that exact time the day they were born... Their Birthday's always make me emotional and very humbled that they are in my life!
We went to Salt Lake for the weekend for James and McKay to go skiing. So, Cannon had his 1st Birthday party at Jason and Kristin's with all the kids. Aunt Kristin had lots of Balloons and bubbles waiting for him and he was truly mesmerized by them!
1 comment:
Love it, Love it, Love it! How did I get so lucky as to have such a crafty friend? The tshirt, the hoot! Absolutely adorable! I love the patterns and the colors! Thanks for the inspiration...doesn't mean I will ever make them, but I am a bit more inspired to "think" about it! Cannon is adorable with the teeth! Can't believe how grown up he is! SO glad to have met this little man!
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