Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Few Little Projects...

So, I can honestly say that my boys don't fight with each other very much... (knock on wood) However, it seems like every Sunday they fight with each other all during Sacrament over who packed what toy and what book is whos... I came up with an easy solution! Their very own church bags!!! These bags were so easy and fun to make i think i might have to make a couple more!!! And, here are a few things that I have made to go in their bags!

Crayon Roll - I made 21 of these for little Christmas gifts... Don't know that I will be making anymore anytime soon!

This Little Bag Holds:

I found this Mr. Potato Head idea on a blog I like - And as usual as I always do I can never just make one... I ended up making 6!!! I have a few other things I will post later that I have been making... of course they are on my other camera that is dead... and I can't find the charger ANYWHERE.... My next option is to offer Carter a dollar!


Rachel Smith said...

Seriously?! Do you EVER sleep! I LOVE everything you have made! I love the felt potato head people! I'm checking out that blog after I'm done here, and I love the church bags...totally copying you, although I don't know that mine will EVER be as cute as yours! You inspire me....

Moalee said...

And to think you cried like I was killing you everytime I tried to teach you to sew!!! xoxox

Bonnie Young said...

These are super cute!!! I love the drawing pad and pencils book!! Did you just come up with these on your own or is there a pattern? Very awesome!!