Wednesday, November 9, 2011

After School:

McKay gets home from school everyday around 3:15 p.m. He always gives each of us a hug, tells me what he had for lunch & we discuss three things.
 #1: What made him happy at school.
 #2: What made him sad at school.
 #3: What he did nice for someone at school. 
As we talk about these things I make him toast with Nutella for a snack. It's what he always wants! He is always starving when he gets home... It makes me wonder how much of his lunch he really eats!!! 

This year I decided once again not to put Carter into pre-school. I enjoyed the time that I had with him last year teaching him & wasn't quite ready to rush him off to school... Yes, I do know that he does have to start Kindergarten next year and I better come to grips with it! We do school everyday at 12:30 p.m. when Cannon goes down for his nap. We do it for one hour. Sometimes we cut it a little short... because he is a perfectionist and if he can't get something perfect than there are tears & we stop and take a break & start again the next day! He gets a sticker each day for good work & at the end of the week he gets to pick a prize out of the prize bucket. 

Carter will always set down with McKay as he does his homework & do his "homework" to. It's one of my favorite times of the day as they sit and visit with each other about their days. 

1 comment:

Moalee said...

I would love to hear those visits. I'm sure they touch on some very interesting subjects! Love you & glad you're back with pictures to share.