Monday, November 21, 2011

Carter Price

This little man is now 5!!!! I think I say it every year... But, I really don't know where the time has gone! Carter is his own little man! He is captivating! People tell us all the time that they love to just sit and watch his mannerism's, listen to him talk & love his little personality & expressions. * When he cries it truly breaks your heart! His eyes can well with tears deeper than any I have ever seen! * He crawls in bed with me every morning to cuddle. * He wakes up in the night with leg cramps & has to have his Dad! I can't rub his legs hard enough! * I also cannot make his porridge (Cream of Wheat) just perfect & won't eat it unless James makes it for him! But, would eat if for every meal if we let him! * He loves homemade cinnamon toast. * He can build amazing ships and creations out of Lego's.  He seriously amazes me! * He LOVES to draw. * He loves to do school with Mom. * He is a perfectionist. * He still hums as he wakes up in the morning. * He listens to his ipod every night as he goes to bed. * He is a tough little man and can hold his own pretty good with McKay! * He analyzes everything. * McKay is his idol. * His Dad is his Hero! * His Mom is who he run's to for comfort! * He know's the rules & he follows them & it drives him crazy when other's don't! * He LOVES to go all by himself to visit his Grandma & Grandpa Wall in Idaho. He has a very special bond with them. * He has NO fear! It does not intimidate him to do a back flip off the house boat at Lake Powell! And doesn't understand when his mother tell's him no more! * He loves Michael Jackson music. * Rocky IV is his all time favorite movie. * He is a saver! He loves to have money in the bank! * His laugh is one of the greatest things I have ever heard! * He loves bbq ribs & shrimp! * He is a hard worker & loves to work. * He is the King of movie lines! * He loves to go camping. * He is picky about his clothes... they have to fit just right. * He is my little man who truly brings me & so many others so much joy in life!!!  

1 comment:

Moalee said...

The hum in the morning....I just LOVE waking up it! Then we play marbles (by his rules) I love how he can tell the whole Halloween book by memory. And he still wants me to read him a story at night. He has to get ready for bed in his PJ's then takes them off to go to sleep. He likes me but he loves Grandpa and that's okay. What a treasure he is. xoxox