Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Drum Roll Please....

Last night was McKay's first baseball game of the season. We have had a few rain outs or I guess snow outs! But, he finally got his much anticipated uniform last night. James took him over a little early to get him all ready - as you can see his baseball socs that came with the uniform were to big... So, James made do with ski socs! Note to self: buy black baseball socs before Wednesday nights game! I will throw James under the bus and tell you that he admitted that he got a little emotional when he arrived at the ball park with McKay! McKay is playing all of his games at Flat Iron Mesa this year... which just happens to be the same field that James played all of his games on growing up! And since I threw James under the bus I better be honest and tell you that I started to cry when I showed up and saw my little man in his uniform! He looked so big! When I was going through the YEARS of fertility treatments to get pregnant with McKay I used to always tell James that I just wanted to be a baseball mom! And here I am!!! Between McKay & Carter we have baseball games every night this week! I guess I can officially say that I am a baseball mom! Love it!

1 comment:

Moalee said...

Where did the time go? I LOVE boys in baseball uniforms. There's nothing cuter (bad word for boys but...)Thanks for the pictures. XOXO