Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Those Darn Chickens...

Throwing rocks at the chickens....

Yelling at the chickens....
Carter LOVES to go with James to feed the horses! He has no fear of them whatsoever and will walk right up to them and feed them apples and pet them... However, he is TERRIFIED of the chickens!!! When they get ready to leave to go he tells me he is going to take his gun "And shoot those stupid chickens"! (No, I don't like my kids saying the word "stupid" but there is a time and a place for it!) When he gets there he starts right off by throwing rocks at them to keep them at bay and then will resort to climbing up on the fence to get away from them! McKay is always his protector if he is with them and proceeds to kick the chickens to stay away from his brother! I think it is crazy that he will walk right up to a horse... but runs from the chickens!!!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Erin, What a fun post.
I love the look on his face.
It won't be long before those
chickens get his message
and start running the other way.
so cute!