Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Alternative Non Contact Discipline!

When we were in Idaho Last week my Mom reminded me that when my Brothers and I were little and would get in trouble we would have to stand in the corner!!! At first I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about it and then I thought it sounded like something that I needed to try in my home! A little alternative discipline never hurt! Well, the first time McKay had to stand in the corner he laughed the whole time! The second time he wasn't quite sure about it and the third time he decided he hated it! Now, the mention of the word "corner" and I have his attention! He has sooo much energy that having to stand still and put his nose in the corner is more than he can bare!
I wasn't sure about Carter... Was he too young? Would he get it? Would he do it? But, as you can see he is pretty good at it! When he talks to you while he's standing in the corner his words are muffled and I have to admit that it is pretty cute!
I had a hard time deciding if I was going to post these pictures or not... I didn't want anyone to think less of me... But, I hope you all know that my family is normal! My children are fabulous, but they like everyone else have their moments! And we as their parents have the responsibility to teach them the best we can! And I know that those who really know James and I know that we love our children more than anything and can appreciate these photos for what they are!


Miranda said...

these pics are so cute. Such a good idea with kids. it really made me laugh looking at this post - but it is for sure something that I'm gonna do! Thanks!

Keri said...

Your post brought back memories!
My Aunt used to make us stand
in a corner and we also had
to hold a piece of paper there
with our noses. I remember I
didn't like it but I only had
to do it a few times...I learned
quickly to be good. When our kids were young we mostly used timeouts but Now we just take away wii or webkins for a day and substitute extra chores... it works wonders:)

Stacey said...

I use the corner to--and it works differently with different kids--the key is to find what is effective! Somedays, when it has been a long day, I use the three strikes you are in bed method. This takes place after dinner when my patience is wearing thin, and JOn is gone for some reason home, and I just don't have enough hands to go around. Everyone gets the initial time I have to get after you, you get your pajamas on, and the next time, if there is go to bed!! This one works great for me, and sometimes I'm actually hoping that they do something wrong so they HAVE to go to bed--it gets quieter as the night goes on and more kids end up in their beds. It's pretty effectived around here.

Kimberly Davis said...

my kids live in the corner, I'm sometimes tempted to pitch them a tent!!!!!!

mstokes said...

That is so great! No judgements from me. You have 3 boys. I myself find it hard to even dicipline at all- I'm too much of a softee! Give me 2 more boys & I'll be with you!