Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Few Pictures For Grandma!

So, my Mom called and told me that she needed to see a couple new pictures of the boys... So, here they are! The boys both actually do really good at holding Cannon - When he starts to fuss McKay gets nervous and wants to hand him back - Carter however just gives him his pacifier and sits and talks to him until he gets through it. Cannon is starting to get used to their constant attention and kisses.
I feel as if we have made the transition pretty well. As many of you know I am a little OCD!!! So, there are a few things that I have had to learn with the third child - It's ok if the toys are on the ground and don't get picked up right when we are done with them! It's ok if the breakfast dishes don't get cleaned up until 9:30 a.m.! It's ok if McKay makes the sandwiches for lunch because he is tired of waiting for me to get done nursing Cannon! It's ok if Carter brushes his own teeth for more than 10 minutes. It's not worth freaking out when McKay informs me that Carter is throwing the Carrots everywhere that they took downstairs for a snack! (Yes, my kids love carrots and consider them a treat!!!) And, it's ok to bribe your five-year-old to pick up those carrots for you because while you are once again nursing the baby the thought of those carrots are driving you crazy! It's ok that we are still in our pajamas when James comes home from work!!! - Everyone needs one of those days every now and then! It's ok if you don't sweep the floor after every meal - you can just get it when you vacuum! It really is ok if the boys pick out their own clothes and get themselves dressed! If it is too bad I can change them before they go out in public! And, it's ok if James does McKay's hair... It might not be the way that I would do it, but does it really matter if the child is happy! He talks his Dad into doing all kinds of crazy things!
One thing that has really changed in the last month is Carter and McKay's relationship. I was really worried about how Carter was going to handle a new baby - he was very much a Mothers boy! But, there haven't been any issues at all so far and that has been because he has attached himself to McKay. Before he wouldn't really play with McKay - he was just my little shadow, But, now he and McKay are constantly together paling around. It's actually really fun to see and watch. I love listening to them down in the family room making up games and interacting together. Carter can't wait for McKay to come home from school and McKay can't stand it when Carters nap goes a little long! They have really formed a sweet bond!


Megan Anderson said...

Breakfast dishes sitting out until 9:30?? What are you talking about, we haven't even had breakfast at 9:30, and we might even still be in bed!! (I could only wish)

Jennifer Payne said...

I need your address so I can send you a baby gift. He is so beautiful. I miss you! Plus, get an account on facebook so we can keep in touch that way!!

mstokes said...

Don't you feel like all that you do is clean -up, nurse & nurse a little bit more! Gotta love it!
Sen dme your email I have bben wanting to add you to my blog! ( send your mom's too)