Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Coming Out Of The Moving Haze!

Well, after moving, unpacking, finding lots of my stuff broken after a year of storage... heading to St. George for Thanksgiving, unpacking some more, getting McKay settled into a new school, getting Carter settled into a new primary class, Christmas shopping & unpacking more... and throw a bout of the flu in there for all three boys... I have felt a little crazy! But, I finally feel like I am coming out of the haze of it all! Starting to feel a little settled! Just a little!


Keri said...

Erin, I have been thinking
of you and wondering how the
move went? Sandy is Awesome!
I've lived there twice and
absolutely LOVED it. I really
think you'll feel right at
home there...So many good
people and lots to do:)

Unknown said...


I like checking your blog when I have some free time.

I also moved a little time ago to my new house and it's really exhausting! but finally I have a new house :) for my family and I (husband, baby and I)


Mirella Stubbs

Web Design Southampton

Kimberly Davis said...

You should win some sort of award for all of your moves! Your next move needs to be to Wisconsin! We need some good camping stories!

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