Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm A Closet Voter!

So, I totally have to admit something... I am coming out of the closet and admitting that I vote every week for American Idol... and I am throwing James under the bus and telling you that he does too!!! We voted over 100 times this week for Mr. Kris Allen - I like him... he's my favorite! I know that a lot of people are into Adam Lambert... But, he is just a little too much - Something about the eyeliner just doesn't do it for me! James and I have it down to a science with dialing opposite of each other - And if you wait to call when there is only about 30 minutes left you get through a lot easier too! So, there it is... It's not a deep dark secret any longer and now Megan and Greg can't hold it over our heads!

So, my sweet husband came home on Tuesday and asked if there was anything that he could do for me... I was pondering how I was going to take all three kids to Cannon's check up... So, I said to him that he could stay home with McKay and Carter or he could take Cannon.... I seriously thought that he would stay home! But, he told me that he could handle taking Cannon to his appointment! I did tell him that he would have to have shots - and he once again told me he could handle it! I just kind of laughed to myself as he walked out the door acting so tough... about an hour later James came back with Cannon and the first thing he said was "Thanks a lot and just so you know I will NEVER take any of our children for shots AGAIN, from now on I will do what a man is supposed to do and you do what a woman is supposed to do...that's a Mothers job!" I didn't know that he was going to have to have 5 shots! James said that Cannon screamed like he had never heard him scream before and totally held a grudge against James and the nurse and was still mad at James when they got home! Unfortunately I don't think he will come home early anytime soon and ask if there is anything he can do for me... or next time there will just be a lot more clarification!


mstokes said...

Every dad should have to be present for those shots! It's horrible. I'm wondering what age is worse - 3 months or 3 years when they can fight back!

Megan said...

Ohh. . . wow I didnt know you liked Kris! Ya he is good! I like Danny also! But Im with ya. . . I do not like Adam Lambert at all! : ) ~Megan Randall~

Kimberly Davis said...

OHHHH MYYY WORDDDD - I so like Kris, you know why, I would actually consider buying his CD. Seriously, he sings real songs, I've even bought one off itunes...I told Wes I was going to start voting and he about died, but I'm with you....Love Kris!

Jennifer Payne said...

I love Kris and Danny, I don't like Adam, he is beyond creepy! Hey I need your address!!! So please send it to me. Thanks!

Megan said...

Oooo. . . I really hope Kris wins American Idol!!! I want him to win just so Adam Lambert doesnt!! Now its time to really get comfortable and vote lots!!!!!