Monday, March 3, 2008

Well, I did it!

So, I have been having quite a few people trying to talk me into starting a blog... I just thought that it would be one more of those things to add to my to do list each day that would never get done... or that I would feel gulity about and stay up until midnight doing it.... I'm bad that way!
But, then I had a friend who told me that she used it as her journal... and that caught my interest! I'm bad at writing in a Journal - I rather scrapbook the memories! But, I always think that I need to be better at keeping a journal to record things about the boys! So, here I go!

I have to warn you that I know nothing about digital things.... So, I hope that you will be patient with me as I figure this all out!

1 comment:

Jennifer Payne said...

Yeah!!! I am so happy you have a blog, now we can really keep in touch. I already put you on my "blogger list" I love the background. Of course you made it cute!
Love ya