Saturday, December 27, 2008

It Was A VERY Merry Christmas!

Christmas Pajamas - McKay, Noah, Eli, Gavin, Lauren and Carter

Best Friends, Cousins, and partners in crime - McKay and Gavin

As it always does Christmas came and went by so quickly... Christmas eve James and Jason took the boys skiing so that Kristin and I could get everything ready for that night. I truly have to say that I appreciated Kristin so much this year - She really went out of her way to make everything so fun and special for everyone and easy on me... Thanks Kristin I love and appreciate you!!! We had a wonderful dinner, decorated cookies, enjoyed Jason telling the Christmas story and had fondue for dessert.
I thought that I had everything ready for Christmas night to make it easy and painless on James and I - I was looking forward to getting to bed early... and did! BUT, then the phone rang at 1:00 a.m. and it was Jason... They were missing some of Noah's Christmas... Kristin and I had gone shopping the week before to finish all of her shopping and had taken James' car. I took everything home with me so that she wouldn't have to hide it late at night... But, the next morning James and McKay went skiing and took it all out of his car and put it in the garage... So, I went and put it in my car and took it to her later that next day... Well, somewhere in all of the transferring we lost a big Target bag... So, at 1:00 in the morning James is out going through all of the cars and the garage looking for this bag and couldn't find it... So, we called them back and told them we didn't have it and they kept looking for it and called back and said we had to have it because they didn't... So, I got up and went out and couldn't find it either... finally James in the middle of a snow storm went out and took all of the ski stuff out of his car and found it!!! So, he took off and Jason took off and they met in the middle to transfer the goods!!! By the time it was all said and done we got to bed at about 2:30 a.m.!!!
Christmas was wonderful - The boys made it really fun with their excitement! McKay got the Batcave that he had been dreaming about for months and Carter loves his tool bench that he got that as you can see in the picture also works very well as a kitchen! He is always pulling all of my pots out in the kitchen and making a big mess - So, he got his own set of pots and pans and that was a big hit too! McKay really "got it" this year and I have to say that I was really proud of his appreciation and gratitude with everything that he got.
We had Christmas dinner at James' Grandma's house and enjoyed getting to see the extended family and spending time with them too.
On Friday James took McKay skiing again - I have to admit that I have really enjoyed the one on one time that this has allowed me with Carter. I try to just do what he wants to do - play with blocks, color, cuddle, watch a movie with him... give him a little bit of my undivided attention. He loves it - But, he is always excited when the boys come home too!
I hope that you all had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did. I have to apologize that I didn't get Christmas cards out this year... It was something I kept meaning to do and just didn't get done... I am grateful for all of the love and support that my little family receives so abundantly from our family and friends. We have had an exciting year this year with finding out that we were expecting and moving to another state and all of the changes that brings along with it. I am grateful to have friends that have been my best friends my whole life - We miss you Carson and Lacey!!! Thank you Jennifer for still being who you are and being my friend despite all of my crazy quirks! I'm grateful for a family who loves me and supports me through everything, for Brothers that I know I could go to for anything and sister-in-laws that keep them informed as to what is going on in my life! For a Father who has taught me how to be strong and a Mother who has taught me how to love... Thank you both for the love that you have for James and my Boys. I am grateful to have in-laws that I truly love and appreciate - Even you Jason... and Kristin you totally rock!
I have enjoyed the time that I have been able to spend with my cousins and their families this year - Redfish was a blast Megan and Greg and we look forward to spending more time with you here in Utah! Jon and Stacey we have really enjoyed our last couple dinners and look forward to more good times!
So, as this year comes to an end I truly look forward to the wonderful times to come in the next. I look forward to meeting this new little man that is about to make his debut into our family. I am truly blessed with being a wife and a mother - I have a husband who is my best friend and makes me laugh everyday and two boys that fill my life with love and fulfillment in a way that I never knew was possible until I became a Mother. I hope that you all have enjoyed the Spirit of this Holiday as much as we have and wish you all the very best in the new year!

1 comment:

Shelby said...

hi! how are you? i miss babysitting mckay and carter! they are just growing up! looks like they had a fun christmas!