Friday, August 8, 2008

We're Back!

1. Carter being Carter!

2. Floating the Salmon River - Yes, McKay was attached to someone... (other than Jackson) They were both tied onto the Kayak. I didn't just send him down the river by himself!!!

3. Bath time.

4. I think McKay needs a bigger tub next year! He LOVED taking his bath by the fire! It was a fight to get him out!

5. What happens to your son when you leave him unattended with your older Brother and they tell you that have a "surprise".... Travis is always looking for ways to get a raise out of me!!!

Well, you know you haven't blogged in a while when you can't remember your pass word to get into your account!!! We got back the first of the week... but, it has been a crazy week trying to get back into the swing of things and I was on deadline for Scarlet Lime...

We had an absolute fabulous time! 2 weeks went by WAY too fast - In fact, I wasn't ready to leave... Parts of me were - I was really excited to get home to my private bathroom!!! But, I still cried when it was time to go. The boys had a BLAST, Mckay kept asking if we could stay until winter! Now that we are home he keeps telling me that home is boring and wants to go back. We had our whole family up there for different parts of it - But, we planned and spent the two weeks with Megan and Greg and their girls (my cousins family). Thanks guys we had a blast! We'll meet up with you guys for the "Best Salad Bar in Challis" anytime!!! It was nice to have 2 weeks and to just relax - I didn't feel the stress that I usually feel of trying to get everything in and done in one week. I think 2 weeks might be our new tradition!

Well, now that we are home there are a lot of things going on at the Turley home... Some of you have heard and I had a few emails waiting for me regarding us moving.... YES, we are moving to Salt Lake City... We have sold our Insurance Agency that we have owned for 6 years and James is going to sale insurance in Salt Lake. He is really excited about the change and I am excited for a new adventure. VERY sad to be leaving my family and good friends... James was born and raised in Salt Lake and we have a lot of family and friends there too - So, he is excited to go back home! Plus, it is only 3 1/2 hours from here - not bad at all! So, we have been looking like crazy for a home down there and we will be moving the end of September...

McKay had started telling me that his teeth were hurting... But, every time I would ask him to show me which one he would show me a different tooth... James has terrible teeth and we just had him in to have two teeth pulled and implants done... So, there has been a lot of talk about teeth around here! So, I just figured that McKay was just playing it up a bit.... So, finally after he had done it for a few weeks I decided that we would get him in and just get it checked... He was due for a cleaning anyway... Well, once we got him in there he had 5 cavities and 3 children's root canals that needed to be done.... Yeah, let me tell you that I really felt like the Mother of The Year!!!! No wonder he kept showing me a different spot - THEY WERE ALL HURTING!!! The dentist said that he has really soft teeth that are really tight - you can't even floss they are so tight... So, the poor thing had to be put under by an Anesthesiologist and he now has 3 shiny silver caps on his back teeth... He thinks they are pretty cool - I still feel pretty lousy!!!

Here's a story every mother will love... Today we had swimming lessons - We go at 11:00 and my cousin Stacey's kids go at 11:30. So, McKay was just coming out as they were going in and I was visiting with Stacey when he came out... Stacey noticed he was chewing on something and asked him what he was eating - he was chewing gum... He had spent the night at my parents house last night and I had picked him up on the way to swimming lessons - So, I just assumed that he got it from them... I was even kind of impressed that he had kept it that long.... Then Stacey asked him where he got it from (She's the mother of four kids - she knows to ask!!! I'm still learning!!!) This was his reply: "I saw it on the bottom of the pool and I swam down and got it....................." So, I promptly retrieve it from his mouth and he then informs me: "Or I may have found it on the cement on my way into swim ...................." NICE! I'm still sick from it!!!

Well, there is just a little bit of what has been going on around here... As you can see it is never boring!!! I am looking forward to just spending a couple weeks close to home!!!

I did another post below with more Redfish pictures.

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