Thursday, May 21, 2009

For All Of You Who Told Him To Sing Loud...

So, today was Pre-school graduation... McKay was so excited because he had a solo song he was singing... If there is one thing about my son that never changes it's that he is NOT shy in any way! There were two kids that couldn't make it at the last minute because they were sick and the teacher had McKay do both of their parts too! This video was the last song of the program... Half of the group was about ready to fall asleep until this.... Oh and in the middle - He's not done!

(i'm sorry it's sideways... I can't figure out how to turn it... But, it's worth turning your head for!)


Megan said...

That is the cutest thing ever!!! It made my day!! I will have to have Mckay sing it to me next time you guys come down!!! : )

~Megan Randall~

moaleew said...

I LOVE this boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megan Anderson said...

Like you said, this is really worth turning you head!!!